
【编者按】作为在女儿的成长过程中一直努力学习的父亲,校友Li Jing 希望分享和小学生女儿之间的家庭教育,以及日常相处的感悟和惊喜。本文为“陪伴成长”系列第三篇。

本文作者是全球斯隆学者(Sloan Fellow),十余年的旅居海外生活学习经历,拥有英国伦敦商学院战略和领导学硕士和香港中文大学金融学硕士。

前不久,受女儿就读国际学校校长的邀请,我去给学校的英文外教和中教分享了“如何帮助非英文母语的孩子实现阅读跨越”这一话题。一方面自己在这方面平时有些研究,所著新书《挑战1000!蓝思少儿英语分级词汇》即将由中国中福会出版社出版;另一方面小家伙也是在英文阅读方面进步神速,一年半的时间,从只能阅读简单英文绘本到现在的《哈利波特》原著和纽伯瑞儿童文学获奖作品,让学校的老师们在惊讶的同时,也对女儿的进步非常好奇。 Continue reading

November 11: Remembrance Day Canada 国殇日

每年的Remembrance Day是加拿大公假日,人们会佩戴一朵带黑芯的小红花,黑芯的直径和一战的子弹一样,红色的罂粟花象征中弹后流出的热血,人们用这种方式纪念为国捐躯的战士。 In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky …

If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity

If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. by John F. Kennedy Canada seeks to navigate the complexities of its diverse population, keeping its borders open to th…

July 14 Bastille Day Festival 2019

Sunday, July 14 – From 10am
Yaletown Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Center

Come celebrate all things French this July 14 at the FREE Bastille Day Festival in Vancouver!

Here’s what’s in store for you.

Enjoy an entire day of French food, culture, and entertainment, and immerse yourself in the French atmosphere! 

You will be able to listen to free concerts the entire day, as well as see a free exhibition, experience an immersive light-art installation, visit booths with French products, and even enter raffles where you can win a free round-trip to Paris, as well as many other vouchers and French products. Continue reading