
回到纽约的周末一天都在下雨,正好发在伦敦的最后一个帖子- 老舍故居。

在伦敦最出名的是伦敦蓝牌。貌似有700多个故居,唯一的三块中文蓝牌分别是,老舍,蔣彝,和孙中山。第一天到伦敦因为住在海德公园附近知道老舍故居就在不到30分钟的地方,便马不停蹄的跑去,结果。。。愣没找到[流泪]。不过走之前终于被我找到了。 Continue reading

Loved and Remembered

It was with the heaviest of hearts that we learned of the passing of Canada’s longest-reigning Sovereign, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was a constant presence in our lives – and her service to Canadians will forever remain an important part of our country’s history. As we look back at her life and her reign that spanned so many …

When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat

"When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future." "I cannot lead you into battle, I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else, I can give you my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the people…



 by 褚峻

《被掳掠的普罗瑟皮纳》(The Rape of Proserpina,1621–1622)描绘的是冥王普鲁托将其妻子罗马女神普罗瑟皮纳抓回地下世界的场景。这座雕塑是贝尼尼在23岁时雕刻。这座雕塑最最著名的细节便是抓住普罗瑟皮纳大腿的普鲁托的手,可以明显的感受到人类肌肤的软度,还有手的力度,大理石可以雕刻成这种程度真的是非常非常厉害了。

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2021年的暑假,又是一个不能带孩子们回中国的假期。孩子们的沮丧心情,就像这个阴雨绵绵的夏天。那就好好调整心情吧,往年一放假就要飞离德国,今年我们继续留在德国深度游好了。本来想着先回大树爸爸的老家艾尔福特去看今年的国家园艺博览会的,可总看不到天晴,于是就不敢订酒店。最后,是看着天气预报来做了一场又一场说走就走的周边游。 Continue reading