
前几天从银行接手了一单工程的风管。承包商是一家中国公司,施工方是本地建筑商。由于成本核算双方存在分歧。中方找到我商榷。中方代表是个冲劲十足的年轻人。电话里一笔一笔施工款跟我核算,放下电话马上和国内的团队再开电话会议商讨。翻过来马上和本地建筑商核对,那数字恨不得精确到厘。由于中方提供的数据快速精准,本地建筑商马上让保险代理落实建筑保单,施工确保了顺利进行。中方工作的快速高效让建筑商佩服的五体投地,我都感到自豪。 Continue reading

怎样报考温哥华中学的 Mini School (中)

怎样报考温哥华中学的 Mini School (上)一文里, 我和大家分享了一些自己总结的有关报考温哥华Mini School的背景知识。

下面介绍三所小原曾经报考的位于温西,也是竞争很激烈的mini school.

Prince of Wales (PG)

历史悠久的PW mini 每年一个班,只招三十个人。他们mini school 和普通班的校区完全分开,五个年级的mini学生们自己形成一个社区。他们的课程不加深不加广,但是会组织很多活动,如开学后先出去野营一周等。所以课程进度会快些然后有多余的时间进行活动。每次活动都是这五个年级的mini school 学生同时出去, 高年级学生负责照顾低年级同学。经过这样的中学生活,每个学生都独立并善于社交,和比他高几年和低几年的学生们建立了紧密的个人关系,这几百个人以后走入社会后容易互相合作提携。 Continue reading

四海承风 与你同行

天津大学北美各地校友会2月26日首次联合组织了大型的线上春节联欢活动,不仅有内容丰富精彩的文娱演出,还有一场含金量极高的职业发展分享论坛。感谢天大校友会邀请参加了本次活动,亲临盛会,受益匪浅,特向经贸校友们推荐本次活动的视频录像。 文…



在德国中小学的整个阶段,道德课和宗教课是必选课。信仰天主教和基督教的孩子,会去上相应的宗教课,信仰别的教或者不信教的孩子就去上道德课。 Continue reading


Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease.  This often exists in a man of sixty more than a body of twenty.  Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.  We grow old by deserting our ideals. Continue reading


南瓜灯内景还没完成。她俩再各自捏来访的她们的小伙伴。在变拥挤之前,先拍下布景好的小花园吧。 我们用了花园里的东西,做了个迷你的花园。每根小枝都是妞咪剪的插的。她用橡皮泥捏了花盆插上了新鲜的茉莉。地毯上有干花的花瓣。二宝宝摆了她喜欢…


Open the following link. You will see the entire earth. There are numerous green spots around the earth. These green dots are local radio stations. Touch the green dot and play the local radio station. It is overwhelming. You can listen to any radio station in the world! Some stations are too good. http://radio.garden/li…

This 1 Simple Habit Separates Successful People From Everyone Else

"The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything." -Warren Buffett- "People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pic…