【活动邀请】:重建利顿华人历史博物馆,华人社区能做些什么?——复旦大学温哥华校友会与利顿华人历史博物馆创始人 Lorna Fandrich 女士对话会
2021年夏天,异常的高温天气引发了一场无情的火灾,几乎把 卑诗省中部利顿全镇夷为平地,由Lorna Fandrich女士2016年创立的利顿华人历史博物馆也未能幸免。
时间:2021年12月4日(星期六),2:00-3:00pm (温哥华时间)
Zoom ID: 832 0267 5899
Chris Dong: chris-dong(at)live.cn
Kenny Zhang: kq_zhang(at)yahoo.com
In 1980, Lorna and Bernie Fandrich purchased an empty parcel of land at 145 Main Street, Lytton. Soon after, they were given an obscure 1934 newspaper article that referred to a Chinese Joss House or temple at that location in the 1880s.
Lorna began to envision a place that would honor and recognize the culture, sacrifices, and contributions of Chinese who came to Canada to mine for gold, work on the railroads and become merchants.
In 2014, Lorna Fandrich decided to commence with the project. From a graph paper sketch and a basic building rendition, after many hours to prepare the building site and a year-long period of construction, the Lytton Chinese History Museum opened on May 13, 2017.
The Lytton Chinese History Museum sits proudly on the provincially recognized heritage site that once housed the Lytton Joss House (1881-1928).
Museum History – Lytton Chinese History Museum
复旦大学温哥华校友会(Fudan University Alumni Association of Vancouver)