

对外经济贸易大学(University of International Business and Economics) 加拿大校友会于2001年在温哥华成立,是在加拿大登记注册的非牟利民间社团( Registered Non-Profit Organization), 不隶属于任何机构或组织 。 对外经济贸易大学加拿大校友会致力于加强校友间的联络与互助,并同大温地区的华裔社团一道,促进加中文化经贸交往,鼓励华人积极融入并为加拿大经济,政治和文化做出贡献。

About UIBE

The University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), situated in the northeast of Beijing, was founded in 1951. UIBE is a national key university jointly-sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Commerce, and is the top university in the fields of economics and business.

UIBE pursues to be an outstanding national university and a prestigious international university with its distinct characteristics. After over seventy years’ development, UIBE has already become a multi- disciplinary university specialized in the fields of economics, management, liberal arts, law and science, and competitive in the subjects such as international trade, law, finance, business management and foreign languages. At present, UIBE offers over 50 majors to overseas students for bachelor, master and doctoral study. Among them, about 20 majors can be entirely offered in English.

With a galaxy of talents, UIBE has attracts the best minds and brings up famous personnel generation after generation. Most professors have oversea experience and the strong abilities of teaching and researching.


对外经济贸易大学校友总会,是经外经贸部的认可同意,国家教委的审核批准,民政部的登记办证的国家一级社团组织,并具法人代表资格,于1995年3 月29日宣告成立。校友总会秘书处办公室电话:6449 2118,13641239145;

校友总会办有自己的刊物《校友通讯》。《通讯》这个窗口,向校友们传递着母校的发展——昨天、今天和明天;《通讯》这个感情纽带,将海内外校友与 母校紧紧联结在一起,《通讯》这个信息桥梁,增进了各地区、各届别校友间的交流,相互促进,凝聚在母校的旗帜下。本刊执行主编:丁激中。敬请广大校友赐 稿。
